Friday, March 26, 2010

Day? 03-26-10

Man am I sore today but I plugged away anyway.

Breakfast-Slimfast 200 calories
snack-granola bar 130 calories
lunch-slim fast 200 calories
Dinner-chilli ??? (has lots of veggies!)

walked 2.5 miles-300 calories burned
15 mins with the bender ball

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day ? 03-25-10

Ok I have been so bad this week I swear I need a good kick in the pants but today I said screw it I dont' care how tired I am I am buckleing down. I just did a body sculpting work out that kicked my butt (side note: I could definitely tell which muscles I used before when I did body scuplting and which ones I hadnt some tasks seemed so much easier than others) but it felt so good. I like those kinds of work outs, where you feel it in every muscle of your body. There were some things I really miss about the class that this one didnt do so I might incorporate those too for an added work out. Little things like glute work outs and stuff.

Breakfast: slim fast-200 Calories
Snack: granola bar-130 Calories
Lunch: slim fast-200 Calories

45 min body sculpting with 5lb weights.
2.5 Mile walk in 40 mins so an average pace of 16mins/mile roughly-300 calories!
.5 mile walk to the park (hey every little bit counts)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 11 03-18-10

Okay I'm back! lol Still not at 100% and not gonna run any marathons but I can at least function again.

Breakfast- Slimfast-200 Calories
Lunch-Salad-300 Calories
40-oz of water (still feeling dehydrated how I don't know I was drinking upwards of 120 oz everday I had that darn fever)

Haven't done anything so far since I am still pretty congested and my throat still feels swollen but I did go on a walk with mckinley (she rode her bike) I think we walked about 1/2 mile or 3/4 mile. Nothing big but I'm gonna try and get some in tonight if I'm feeling ok.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 9 03-16-2010

Day 3 of a lovely fever and to add to the mix my allergies are out of control. I am wheezing bad today so sorry once again but I can't work out. My allergist comment to me was "I'd hate to be you, your on everything we can give you and hope you make it through the next few months, cause this isn't anything" I was like WHAT?
I did go grocery shopping so does pushing a shopping cart count for anything? lol. On a good front my eating has been wonderful today, probably since I can't eat anything, even turned down a candy bar my favorite kind too, so that should tell you I am sick! lol. I am such a wimp when I am sick.

Breakfast: Slimfast-200 Calories
Lunch: Slimfast-200 Calories
Water...enough to drown someone lol - 0 calories

Gonna try and get some squats and crunches in since they don't require a ton of breathing.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 8 03-15-10

Well, yesterday's weigh in did not go as I had planned; however, I am not going to let it get me down! I woke up at 1am this morning running a 101 fever, not a good way to start the day. I don't know if I can handle the elliptical today but I am going to try and get out and walk at least today for a little while, hopefully the fresh air will do me some good!

Breakfast: Slimfast with protien-200 Calories
Snack: 1/2 of McKinley's pop tart-75 Calories
Lunch: Slimfast with protien-200 Calories
Dinner: 2 pieces of French toast with 2 table spoons of syrup (didn't use all the syrup though.
A lot of water today .(..Fever 101)

I kept it light since I was running a fever, a short walk and some (like 20 squats).

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 5 03-12-10

Today and tomorrow will be a little different since we are going camping.

Breakfast-Slim Fast 200 Calories


Day 4 03-11-10

Ok didn't get everything done I wanted to because I spent part of the day at the ER with Erika.

Breakfast:Slim Fast 200-calories
Lunch: Slim Fast-200 Calories
Dinner: Bowl of Cereal-250 calories
Snack: Popcorn-100 calories
Water 24oz-0 calories
Mtn Dew-220 Calories (16oz)

Total 970 Calories

Exercise: 3 Mile walk (fast pace) 327 Calories burned per this calculator ( )

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 3 03-10-2009

I want to crawl back in bed today. The humidity has to be near 5000% today lol. Ok Im such a wimp when it comes to heat and humidity!

Breakfast: Slimfast-200 Calories

Snack: 1/2 cup of Applesauce (didn't know it had so many calories)-100 Calories
Water: 24 oz- 0 Calories

Lunch: Slimfast-200 Calories

Snack: a couple of ritz crackers and a mtn dew....200 calories

Dinner: homemade hamburger patty (thin/grilled) and steack fries. I crashed here wasn't planning on eating any but I did. 16 oz of water.


30 mins on the elliptical 302.3 Calories Burned ( I should get a bonus of 300 more calories for arguing/discussing what I was doing with a 3 yr brain hurts from it)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 2 03-09-2010

Ok pretty sure my legs are begging to be cut off today! lol Had a rough night's sleep and couldn't drag my but out of bed to make it to the body sculpting class at 5am this morning.

Breakfast: Slim Fast with Protien-200 Calories
Snack: none
16 oz Mtn dew :( - 240 Calories

Lunch: Lean Cuisene Pizza- 400 Calories
24 oz Water - 0 Calories

Snack 5 crackers 80 Calories
Dinner: Broccoli and Rice -150 calories, Banana Nut muffin-120, Steak ?? Small piece though Mckinleys was bigger tahn mine...300 calories? = 570 Calories
Tiny bite size piece of jon's bday cake...200 calories (if that much it was really like a bite)
Daily total: 1610 Calories
30 mins on the Elliptical-275 Calories Burned!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 1 March 8, 2009

I feel like crap today, yay what a great way to start out the first day! LOL I am not sick though so I must persevere. My allergies (which tree pollen is high today) have left me feeling completely drained.
Weight: 200lbs

So here's what I've done today:

Breakfast: Slim Fast with protien 200 Calories
Snack: Ritz crackers (5) 80 Calories
Drinks: Water 24 oz 0 Calories

Lunch: Salad (1.5 cups of lettuce, 1/8 cup cheese, 10 raisins, a few bread crumbs 1.5 tbsp Ranch dressing), water roughly 330 calories

Dinner: Nachos ?? Calories
24 oz of water

1 can of pop...160 calories

Daily total: 770 + Nachos= 1400? Daily allowence 1600 MAX


1. 60 squats
2. 30 mins on Elliptical =300 calories
3. 5 mins with the Bender ball

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My goals!

1. Do at least 30 mins 5-7 days a week on the elliptical
2. Walk at least 3 times a week around the golf course (2.35 miles) dependent
3. Do body sculpting 2x a week preferrably in a class but if not then the video I have.
4. Limit the amt of pop(soda) I drink, replace with water.
5. Do the bender ball/abs workout 5x wk.

Overall goal....Lose 40lbs by August 5th when we leave for the beach and be in a comfortable size 10(or smaller!)