Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day ? 03-25-10

Ok I have been so bad this week I swear I need a good kick in the pants but today I said screw it I dont' care how tired I am I am buckleing down. I just did a body sculpting work out that kicked my butt (side note: I could definitely tell which muscles I used before when I did body scuplting and which ones I hadnt some tasks seemed so much easier than others) but it felt so good. I like those kinds of work outs, where you feel it in every muscle of your body. There were some things I really miss about the class that this one didnt do so I might incorporate those too for an added work out. Little things like glute work outs and stuff.

Breakfast: slim fast-200 Calories
Snack: granola bar-130 Calories
Lunch: slim fast-200 Calories

45 min body sculpting with 5lb weights.
2.5 Mile walk in 40 mins so an average pace of 16mins/mile roughly-300 calories!
.5 mile walk to the park (hey every little bit counts)

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